Edit, add, remove or reorder rounds. Please ensure you have the right number of exercises in every round before saving your Workout.

    • Side Lunges
    • Bent Over Scaption Lat
    • Single Leg Stiff Legged Dead Lift Right Side Only
    • Single Leg Stiff Legged Dead Lift Left Side Only
    • Bent Over Reverse Flys
    • Stationary Lunges With High Knee Left Side Only
    • Stationary Lunges With High Knee Right Side Only
      • Bag Squat And Slam Right Side Only
      • Bag Squat And Slam Left Side Only
      • Bag Bridges With Left Crossover Left Side Only
      • Bag Bridges With Right Crossover Right Side Only
      • Skaters Over Bag
      • Lateral Hurdles Over Bag
      • Bag Ham Rolls
        • 21s With Band Curls
        • Body Resistance Cross Punch With Crunch Hold
        • Seated Rows Both Sides
        • Mountain Climbers
        • Military Press
        • Chest Flies With Band
        • High Plank Hold
        • Military Press Behind The Neck
        • Overhead Tricep Extention
        • Bicep Curl Both Sides
          • Squat To Press With Hop
          • Side Shuffle With Half Burpee
          • Squat With Pallof Press
          • Russian Twist
          • Star Jacks With Shoulder Press
          • Goblet Squats With A Press
          • Mountain Climbers
          • Squat Clean With Press Alternating
          • Knee Up With Ball Pass
          • Lunge With A Twist Alternating Sides
            • Reverse Crunch With Bag Hold
            • Glute Bridge Feet On Bag Hold
            • Hammer Ups With Bag
            • Supermans On Bag
            • Bag Walkovers
            • Death Crawl With Bag Pull
            • Leg Lifts Holding Bag
            • Situp With A Reach
            • Bag Flying Squirrels
            • Plank With Feet On Bag